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The DuraGauge Lip Adjustment System offers fast, responsive and repeatable lip adjustment for hinged lip extrusion Dies used in Cast Film, Coating and thin Sheet applications. The simple, robust design was developed to offer excellent gauge control in the harsh environment of any polymer extrusion process.
In addition to providing better cross-web profile control, a DuraGauge Die, when couple with an Automatic Profile Control (APC) System, will offer polymer savings to the processor over a manual gauge control.
The system relies on the linear movement created by the expansion and contraction of a thermal translator. For thick areas, (gauge bands), the translator is heated, thus expanding and pushing the flexible lip closed. Conversely, for thin areas, the translator will cool, contracting and allowing the lip to open. The amount of movement is dependent upon the application and process, but it is more than ample for all Coating and Film; and most thin Sheet applications. The increased linear movement minimizes the operator interface for initial gap setting.

DuraGauge Sheet Die
& DuraFlow Feed Block

DuraGauge Thermal Translator

All thermal energy is isolated from the flexible lip via a low-heat transfer alloy. Thus the process is not affected by the deleterious effects of the translator to the lip gap. Low wattage heaters reduce heater failure and lower operating costs. No external air cooling is required.
DuraGauge is available as push only; differential push only and differential push and pull systems. Allied Dies can supply interconnecting cables for your APC control system.